Wednesday, February 20, 2013


 Please, help fight that modern slavery! How some have no empathy for others that they can enslave them in such ways as the previous essay notes!
  This angry liberal joins with those women to abolish all remnant slavery.
  We have to get people to enlarge their " tribal " morality to include the whole planet in abolishing such wickedness. We all can contribute in even minute ways.
  This is mine.

Excerpt: Practical Things You Can Do Today

Excerpt: Practical Things You Can Do Today

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Justified redistribution!

 We should do as Oxfam suggests implicitly: tax those billionaires at very high rates on income above say, five million dollars. Ethicist Peter Singer advocates that we who can help the poor do so with as much money as possible. 
  Economic patriots like Buffett and Gates advocate such. They demand to pay more taxes and they give to charities billions.
   The free market underpays the poor and overpays the super rich, so the ethical measure to implement means to tax the latter more!The poor just don't get enough money so that is why they are poor, not because as that bigot former Rep. Leroy Gingrich avers, because they are lazy and need to learn to work.
      What do you suggest?
      This idea goes back early in the history of this Union.

To End Extreme Poverty, Let’s Try Ending Extreme Wealth - Sam Pizzigati

To End Extreme Poverty, Let’s Try Ending Extreme Wealth - Sam Pizzigati

Monday, January 28, 2013

Poverty and rights

We need a  serious means to further that war on poverty that that amongst our greatest presidents, LBJ, started! Pres. Nixon started the Earned Income Tax Credit-Dr. Milton Friedman's, libertarian,  to help the poor. Even Pres. Reagan favored it, as a means to get rid of other programs. It  cannot be a stand alone as that still would not help the  poor.
 We should raise the minimum raise, if not go for the living raise should that be feasible!
   I'll add more suggestions from a site next.
Why should Scandinavia rank ahead of us? Forget that homogeneity and small-country stuff. The states can also help.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Right of the people

     Yes, we can on the gun matter as with other do what we can. Tis' the all or nothing fallacy to maintain otherwise! And ti's the slippery slope fallacy of prattling where does it stop.
 People throw up straw men based on those two fallacies and others.
   Outlawing the use of grenades does not lead to  outlawing hand guns, etc.  that non- sequitur and slippery slope fallacies.
    Not using logical fallacies would enable discussions to proceed better!
    The Ninth and Tenth Amendments speak of unrecorded rights; they are whence,  our other rights stem. So, women do indeed have the right to choose.  The courts and referenda have extended our rights.
    Thankfully, the Fourteenth does also.
    Federal powers have not led to real socialism! We liberals took socialist ideas to upgrade capitalism- that known practical, moral ideal!
       Reactionary thought depends on logical fallacies and false facts. Logic is the bane of  reactionaries.   [ "Logic is the bane of theists." Fr. Griggs]

Right of the People

Right of the People